Thanks to our years of experience we can supply you with suitable staff reliably, quickly and at reduced costs. First, we will perform an analysis of your requirements together during a consultation, which will help us to recruit just the right applicants. Then we will put together the right team for your needs.
When doing this, we take special care to ensure that applicants’ qualifications match your requirements. From bar workers and service staff to chefs – our personnel portfolio will suit your requirements exactly.
Firstly you save time and money by using STAFF employment agency and can therefore concentrate on your core business. Secondly the staff are employed by us, although they work for you (staff placement). This offers you additional advantages: no difficult recruitment processes, no contingency risks, no costs in case of illness, no payroll processes etc.
i.e. staff are employed by us but work for you.
i.e. staff is employed by, and work for, you.
• Catering consultants • Organisation and management of events • Staff training • On request, permanent hiring of STAFF personnel by your business and vice-versa